
本セッションでは「貿易金融に係る金融犯罪:トレード・ベースト・マネーロンダリング(TBML)の課題と対策」について、金融犯罪対策 ディレクター亀山とディレクター草羽がトークセッション形式で解説いたします。

  • Trade Based Money Laundering(TBML)とは
  • 貿易金融に係るAML/CFT対策
  • TBML:AML/CFT確認実務

[email protected]


Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches