




  • 台灣經濟景氣及利率動向的展望
  • 疫情以及其他變量對銀行資產負債表的衝擊
  • 包括宏觀情境及客戶行爲模型在内的風險管理分析框架


Steve Cochrane 博士,亞太區首席經濟學家 個人簡介

黃恆信博士, 高級經濟學家 個人簡介

郭雲燕 , 亞太區域解決方案總監 個人簡介

主持人:吳怡瑩風險和財務管理解決方案 大中華區專業服務團隊總監


Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches

Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches